Saturday, January 10, 2015

Self-Doubt Go Away

This has pretty much been me for a while now. Hate it...Can't stand it...Would much rather be locked in a room full of clowns than to have it....actually. That's a lie, but you catch my drift.

They all must be mad at me. I can't remember what I did to them, but they need to forgive and move on. I miss them.

Maybe they are in the process of forgiveness because the fact that I'm even wanting to and am able to write this post is a huge step in the right direction. Sad, but true.

I don't know why the major blockage is really about, but I have a feeling that Sylvia Plath was a smart person...

Self-doubt...There's a lot of that in me and I have to try and shoo it away and get some writing done.

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